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     My diversity course, Ethics in Health Administration, CHP 400, outlined the 3 areas of ethics which are meta-ethics, normative, and applied ethics, and how they are applied in the healthcare field. Before learning the ethical principles, the professor stressed the importance of knowing that patients come from different backgrounds, cultures, races, religions, ethnicities, etc. As the course went along we learned how ethics and religion, or ethics and culture or ethics and race have crossed paths creating ethical dilemmas where sometimes what is considered legally right is not always considered morally right to you, the healthcare professional. 

     During the Ethics in Health Administration course I  had two overarching assignments, which were ethical scenarios presented in a healthcare setting where I had to determine the appropriate ethical answer or solution. 

     The first scenario is about a man who tested positive for HIV, and refuses to inform his pregnant girlfriend. 

     The second assignment had 2 different scenarios, one that was medical malpractice and the other related to the government and the COVID-19 vaccine. 

     Through this course I realized that my patients will not be like me- have the same beliefs or values. As thoughtless as it sounds I never thought about the differences my patient and I might share, I always assumed people think the way I think, etc. THis course opened my eyes and I understand that as a future healthcare provider I might be faced with tough situations that I might not agree with, but that is not my place. My job is to follow the ethical standards and treat my patients no different than I would want to be treated as a patient. I have to accept different views and values for example if they refuse treatment, it is ethical that I support their decision and continue to be there for them. 

     Throughout this course, I further developed obtaining and processing information, as well as making decisions and solve problems. For example, the two assignments were guided by what decisions I would make as a health care provider being the information I was given and explain why ethically it makes sense. In ethics, there usually never onew clear cut answer. There is a gray area and there are times decisions have to be made and you need to be ready.

     As a future dental hygienist this will help me acknowledge different cultures, religions, ethnicities, races, etc and understand that they will not always share the same beliefs. It will also help me not assume they have the same knowledge as me, which will help me communicate with my patients. I also know I will come across situations where the ethical standards and my moral standards may not align, but I have to put my patients first.

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